
Find Inner Peace and Spiritual Focus with Pagan Prayer Bead Meditation

Pagan Prayer Beads, also known as a Pagan Rosary or Witch’s Ladder, can be an essential tool for those who follow earth-centered spiritual paths.  It is also a wonderful tool for those of us who can often feel stressed and overwhelmed, as a prayer bead practice can also calm stress and anxiety.   An important part of my own health routine includes stepping back regularly to ground and reconnect with myself.  Incorporating Pagan Prayer Beads into my meditation Read More

Faith Healing

My knees hurt… until I started to believe it was possible for them not to hurt. Only then could I go deep into the truth of the pain, to begin to understand it, to see my own resistance to taking my next steps in life. To look inside my own body and allow it to tell me the story. To care for the parts that hurt, like an injured child, until strength was restored and Read More

The Spirit Medicine of Scarlet Lobelia

She stands alone, brilliant among the lush green foliage all around her, her reflection shimmering in the water flowing nearby.Regal, proudly displaying her lady parts, demanding to be seen and heard. I have the sticky nectar of Scarlet Lobelia flowers on my fingers. It smells sharp and sexual and earthy and green.  It tastes sweet like honeysuckle.  I’ve been gathering these flowers to make a flower essence spirit medicine from this plant. My very first Read More

Moon Cycles

I have this nagging sense of uneasiness, no matter what I’m doing.  It follows me around like a cat I forgot to feed.  Meowing, swirling around my legs, reminding me it’s still there and still hungry and still hasn’t been fed. What needs feeding? What need am I ignoring in myself and refusing to nourish?  Everybody wants something from me.  What do I need from myself?  How do I navigate this life I have created, Read More

Meeting a New Plant Ally

One summer day, in August of 2017, I was in my back yard meditation sit-spot, feeling the grass beneath my feet, the sound of the trickling creek in my ears, the wind blowing through the trees, and then through my hair.  Yet, I wasn’t really appreciating any of that. My heart was so heavy, the world seeming to be in such a state of chaos.  My little town, where I was born and raised, had Read More

The Land that Raised Me

The Blue Ridge mountains. Dudley mountain. Slate hill. Hickory Hill. Charlottesville. Scottsville. My generations have a long history here. The Rivanna River, a mineral smell of mud and dirt and roots, a cool breeze. Sparkles on the water, sparkles on the rocks. Sitting on the roots of a Sycamore tree. Chris Green, Lake Reynovia. Sand and sun, gentle waves lapping my feet. Swim to the dock, dive back in and swim to the buoy rope, Read More

Geometry & Love

Sacred Geometry is the underpinning of reality as we know it. Everything in the 3D world has to have a structure to support its frequency.  Geometry is the study of relationships, angles, how things fit together, how they work together to create the structure of reality, to define this from that, to hold a thing’s frequency. These are based on straight lines. The frequency information is carried in the angles, or the way two straight lines Read More

Under the Sycamore Tree

By the river, a huge old Sycamore tree with roots as big around as my waste and lots of nooks and crannies.  And a hollow in the center as big as a room.  It’s a way through, from this world to that.  I climb under and go inside the tree and begin my descent.  Twists and turns, ducking my head as I move through a dark, moist tunnel surrounded by the veins of trees.  They Read More